
Calm, in a cup

To promote Boh brand camomile tea bags, M+C Saatchi, Malaysia created tea bags, packaging and a widget that, like camomile, bring calm to your world by changing stressing symbols into calm ones once the tea is dissolved.

Advertising Agency: M&C Saatchi, Malaysia
Creative Directors: Farrokh MadonHenry YapMarzuki MaaniNeil Leslie
Art Directors: Choo Chee WeePauline Ang
Copywriters: Farrokh MadonAhmad Fariz
Client Services: Farrah Harith, Sherina Binti Mohamed Zulkifli
Designer: Ellie See
Typographers: Pauline AngEllie See
Print Producer: Sebastian Ng
Photographer: Jesse Choo
Photography Studio: Untold Images
Print Producer: Sebastian Ng
Color Separation: Ignition Graphic Production Sdn Bhd
Agency Producer: Sebastian Ng


Taste Tree by Mooz

Hasselt’s Christmas tree may be missing it’s greenery, but it makes up for it in glittering dinner party style.
Instead of a traditional tree, design studio Mooz created a tree from porcelain plates and cups for the main square of this Belgian city, the self-named ‘Capital of Taste.’
The 'Taste Tree', which measures 9-m high and 6-m wide, consists of 5,000 white, blue and gold porcelain plates and cups donated by locals.
The design was inspired by the spare plates and cups the designers, Inge Vanluyd and Stefan Vanbergen, noticed hanging around the house. For the tree, they asked Hasselt’s citizens to contribute their ‘odd’ crockery.
‘We decorated the tree with objects which would otherwise have remained invisible,’ the designers say.
If you feel like a visit to Hasselt, you have until 6 January to see the tree in the city’s main square. 
Images courtesy Mooz; Photos by Kristof Vrancken.



The Taste Of Fashion by Fulvio Bonavia

Great creation through successful inspiration is a quality that few people possess. Fulvio Bonavia has both.  An award-winning advertising and editorial photographer, Fulvio Bonavia is a true talent who has fulfilled the highest demands of the hungry eye. His work has been honored by Communication Arts, PDN, the Italian Art Directors Club, and the IPA, among others, and Luerzer’s Archive has named Fulvio one of the ‘200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide’. With the publication of his book ‘A Matter of Taste’ he has achieved the unity of two conflicting worlds throughout time; Food & High Fashion. Both adored and wanted but at the same time forbidden.

Link : http://www.yatzer.com/A-Matter-of-Taste-Fulvio-Bonavia



DIY 瓶蓋 Tiffany 燈

介紹由 Fabio Book 的版主 Fabio De Minicis 所分享的簡易自製五彩燈 idea,需要的材料非常環保,就是瓶瓶罐罐的蓋子,之前分享的 DIY 點子幾乎都是用瓶身來做改造,這次我們是要利用隨手可得的瓶蓋喔!Fabio De Minicis 是在網路上買的純白燈罩,相信大部分的台灣居家燈飾都是以這種純白燈罩為主,所以這個 idea 非常適合大家,只要直接用現有的燈飾就可以了。 


365 Charming Everyday Things

365 – Charming Everyday Things
Status: Ongoing
Location: Paris, France / Aomori, Tokyo, Kanazawa, Japan
Dates: 2011-2012
Area: 629m2
Commission Type: Public
Client: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / IFS, Tokyo
Cost : 30,000 euro
Program: Exhibition design