
Spiders On Drugs product design 蜘蛛+毒品的測試產品

The project SOD for Spiders On Drugs, is based on the results of a NASA experiment.

This experiment was designed to study the influence of certain psychoactive substances on the behavior of living things. The researchers inoculated the test substances (marijuana, caffeine, benzedrine and chloral hydrate) to spiders and then let them weave their webs.

透過NASA實驗,將不同的毒品如大麻、咖啡因、苯甲胺和三氯乙醛注射在蜘蛛的身體後,它們會隨著不同的藥物而製作出不同花紋的蜘蛛網。Guillaume Lehoux 法國產品設計師將實驗結果做成一系列產品。

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