
DIY 瓶蓋 Tiffany 燈

介紹由 Fabio Book 的版主 Fabio De Minicis 所分享的簡易自製五彩燈 idea,需要的材料非常環保,就是瓶瓶罐罐的蓋子,之前分享的 DIY 點子幾乎都是用瓶身來做改造,這次我們是要利用隨手可得的瓶蓋喔!Fabio De Minicis 是在網路上買的純白燈罩,相信大部分的台灣居家燈飾都是以這種純白燈罩為主,所以這個 idea 非常適合大家,只要直接用現有的燈飾就可以了。 


365 Charming Everyday Things

365 – Charming Everyday Things
Status: Ongoing
Location: Paris, France / Aomori, Tokyo, Kanazawa, Japan
Dates: 2011-2012
Area: 629m2
Commission Type: Public
Client: The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / IFS, Tokyo
Cost : 30,000 euro
Program: Exhibition design


Exhibition design by nendo for ‘Akio Hirata’s Exhibition of Hats’ in Tokyo, Japan

A sky of mass produced non woven white fabric hats within which Akio Hirata’s delicate handmade hats are floating. The contrast of the two only accentuates Hirata’s creative freedom as 4000 of these ‘ghost hats’ float and stream through the exhibition like ghosts or shells of the real hats exhibited.


24 Hours Poster Design

24 hours in Madrid, Spain. Illustration for the Oryx Magazine for Qatar Airways, also check out the India, South Africa, Egypt, Zurich, Montreal, London Moscow, Ho chi Minh City, Shanghai, Barcelona, Casablanca, Beirut,New York and Phuket illustration. designed by Fernando Volken Togni